I've found them! Yesterday we got together, the three of us that are going in the same car to the track for 4 days, and we tried to get three motorcycles up on one small trailer. Might be a problem to secure them all. But we got them up on the trailer all of them at last. Unbelievable!
We decided that we are going to put the lowest bike inside the car and take only the Str III and the last one on the trailer instead. That's probably much safer for the bikes. I really love my Str III you know, and I don't want to drop it from the trailer.
I checked with the organizers that there will be some other girls too participating. I don't want to be the only one there. Now we are at least 6 or 7 girls that are going to drive our bikes, and many of the guys there brings their family there.
Yesterday I showed my parents the pictures from the Go Kart track. They wanted to see some pictures me driving the bike. We don't live in the same part of the country and they haven't seen the bike yet. My dad was disappointed that I didn't put my knee down when driving. He is funny sometimes! I guess I need some more practice before that's gonna happen! LOL
Have only been to one of these bike trainings. This far we have practiced where to keep the feet, how to relax in the arms, to have the right speed when going in to the curve, to use good throttle control and to control the line through the curve. Nothing new for me but it was like 8 years since I practiced that last time. I haven't been driving bikes since then before I got my Str III in April this year. Probably a good idea to refresh the memory a bit.