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Visiting parents - long drive

440 km on the bike in one day yesterday. A little more than 5 hours of driving. Went to visit my parents in an other part of Sweden and I'm sitting at their place right now writing this.

It was a lot of motor way driving on my way here. I was expecting that the body would be sore after the driving but it's not worse than usually. Probably thanks to 3 hours of Koryu Uchinadi training yesterday before I headed off towards the south of Sweden. We were 4 kratekas practicing yesterday.

I'm not going to drive my bike today but maybe tomorrow. I want to try out all the curvy roads where I practiced motorcycle driving many years ago when I was going to test for the license. I was still living in this little mini town back then. Maybe I go some more curvy roads instead of the motor ways when I go back in a few days.
