Got a bit bored today. Everyone I know had other plans today, some friends are driving their bikes around in Europe for a week, like Amsterdam and places like that. I had to work and couldn't join them. I have to work one more week before I can have my holiday. There is no training at the Dojo at Fridays in the summer. An other friend is just out of town tonight so I couldn't go out driving my bike with him either and so on. I'm the only one without plans it seems to!
Feeling a bit alone and forlorn I got on my bike after work and went for some nice driving on "Bulten", the same road as yesterday. Tried out some useful tips I got from my Chiropractor this Tuesday how to sit on the bike. The driving gets better, I come closer to the bike and it's probably good for the back of the neck too! Keeping the chin in and getting the chest forward a bit. First I got it all wrong and I got the opposite effect and the top of the helmet got in the way of my sight. After trying for a little bit longer I finally got it right. Now I just have to be aware of it and to get it into the muscle memory by practicing. So today I was just driving around by my self on those curvy roads trying to remember to keep my body the right way at the same time as I practiced throttle control and to control the line through the curve.
A few hours earlier it was raining but the roads was almost dry again when I went out. The weather forecast told that it was going to rain today so I think a lot of bikers just stayed at home. I didn't see so many bikes out today. Probably thanks to the forecast. Or maybe they just had other plans like everybody I know!
The evening turned out to be good after all. Now I'm at home relaxing and just smiling after a good trip on my bike.