There was a lot of biking yesterday too. I met up with two of my friends right after work, just went to leave my backpack at home first.
Got stuck in a traffic light on my way there that just stayed red like forever. I have never had that problem with my bike like some people have when the traficlights don't recognize them. Thats why I think the lights are probably just broken. If you pass it when it's red and get caught you loose your licence. So I just stayed there and waited.
We went to Bulten (Slingerbulten) that is one of the curvy roads around Stockholm that bikers drive over and over again. We stopped and had coffee, a sandwich and some water at Rosenhill. There was a lot of other bikers there too. After that we went to Skanssundet and from there to Nynäshamn. I wasn't back at home in Stockholm until 10:30 in the evening.
Had trouble getting to sleep last night again. To much adrenaline in the body after the driving or what? To many thoughts in my mind? Don't know. I started to think a lot about when it gets winter. What am I going to do then? It's not a problem until October or something but anyways. When I can't drive my bike any more after the summer how can I stand it then? When the temperature gets like 5 degres below zero or less? Of course I stop driving a lot earlier than that! When roads are cold and icy, covered with snow or more commonly slush for months? April or May is the earliest time in the spring when you can go out with the bike if you are lucky.
Maybe Sweden isn't the country where the bike season is the longest but it's at least very beautiful when it finally is summer. Nothing compares to driving with some biker friends in the sunset. I'm trying to keep that feeling with me in my heart all the time. Always trying to remember how beautiful life can be.