Todays Koryu Uchinadi practicing was Kihon Kamae Waza Solo and Kihon Uke Waza Solo level 2. It's not remembering the moves in the exercise that is difficult now. It's to do the movements the right way. To remember to use the hips and things like that.
I have also practiced some Sankukai Kata today and it's getting better all the time. Just needs a lot of practice.
Realized that this July 14 I have practiced Karate for 5 years. Most amazing is that I started practicing Karate at all at that age, not flexible at all and having no coordination what so ever. People don't believe me when I tell them now. Now I'm here, practicing at least a little every day, traveling to other countries for seminars and Gasshukus, practicing several martial arts. Maybe I should just celebrate that day.